Nigeria Super Falcons Defender, Ashleigh Plumptre in a recent Podcast spoke about her Nigerian Heritage, her Parents and Siblings as well as being considered as a white by fans and her team mates in the National team.

The 25 Years old Midfielder in the Podcast being quizzed on different aspect of her life has this to say while responding to a question being asked by one of the interviewers.

"Young People has more influence on me than those older than me" She said.

"My biggest inspirations are my three siblings, I've got 2 younger brothers and a younger sister."

"My two brothers share the same mum and a different dad. My mum is White (British) and their dad is White, so my brothers are White. We don't really look alike at all and for my sister, we both share the same dad, a Nigerian Father and a white British Mum."

"My grand father moved to England from Lagos, Nigeria, I think he was around 19, For school. So my dad is Nigeria-British and my step mum is White-British."

Going Further in the podcast, Ashleigh Plumptre revealed that unlike the difference in resemblance between her and her brothers, there are similarities Between her and her sister as well as some notable differences such as hair texture and skin tone.

The defender Further spoke about how she reacted to being greeted with chants of "Oyinbo" ( a word used to describe whites back in Nigeria) at her first Competitive game for Nigeria at the MKO Abiola Stadium in Abuja where her team mates made her dance at the Front of the Fans chanting her name

Ashleigh Plumptre going further in the interview revealed that at the initial stage when she joined the team, her team mates used to call her "Oyinbo" and despite she wasn't really comfortable with the name, she couldn't ask them to stop calling her that because she felt it was too early for such. 

She Further state that through the intervention of one of the team mates, the other players stop calling her that name. 

According to her, she doesn't consider herself as a white person.

In the Podcast, she said:

"I've Never said I'm white because I'm not"

It can also be recalled that during the course of the Podcast, Ashleigh Plumptre also revealed that she never had the ambition of being a professional Footballer, she opened up on her Choice of interest.