Super Falcons of Nigeria Defender Ashleigh Plumptre is beginning to show her true Nigerian Heritage as she reveals the steps she has taken in Learning how to speak Yoruba, the Language of her state of Origin.

The 25 Years old in an interview with  Emma Slade Edmonson and Nicole Ocran on mixedup Podcast opened up on being Taught how to speak Yoruba by a Member of the Super Falcons and how she has learnt to say some phrases. 

When asked " I've You felt like you have wanted to learn Yoruba" 

Ashleigh Responded by saying:

"When I was Away (with the National team), one of the younger girls was teaching me different Yoruba words"

"My younger sister actually has been trying to learn how to speak Yoruba, she is only 13"

"For me, I feel like it's important learning different Yoruba words and phrases" she said.

Going Further Ashleigh Plumptre spoke on her experience in the bus with the Super Falcons when she was being taught some words and phrases and how the Players had to laugh due to her Pronunciation.

She Further Stated that she requested for the Phrase being Written out for her and that she has pretty Much Learnt how to speak them. 

Going Further, Plumptre Opened up on her challenges in learning the Yoruba Language which is basically on responding to Conversations in Yoruba.

She said:

"I've Pretty Much gotten them Now (the Yoruba Phrases) but in conversation, somebody would say "Ba wo ni" and I'm trying to think and sometimes, I get confused on what's the response to this"

"But that's part of this experience for me" She continued

She Further opened up on her next adventure which would be on attending Yoruba Weddings.

"I've Learnt a couple of Yoruba Phrases but the next thing would be.... I've never gone to a Yoruba Wedding"

On the Podcast, Ashleigh Plumptre had previously Discussed on her interest as she opens up of never wanting to be a footballer as well as her reaction to being addressed as a white. According to her, she doesn't consider herself as a white person